Wildau workshop recap
The Wildau team was delighted to welcome our consortium partners from Finland, the Netherlands, France and Spain to our Materials Development Training event at the TH Wildau in Germany from 8-10 April 2024. Following our project management meeting on Monday morning where we reviewed the project’s progress and the budget allocation, the teams from HAN and Karelia reported positively on the joint modules they have been teaching at their universities. They presented their results in terms of sequencing, concept and task – language, guided multi-media input, key language, instructions, interactions, thinking, etc.

After lunch the TH Wildau Vice-President for Studies and Teaching, Prof. Dr. Rainer Stollhoff welcomed our guests and held a short talk on language and internationalisation, highlighting how CLIL is also relevant to foreign students studying in German at TH Wildau. His contribution indicated the significance that the Technical University of applied Sciences Wildau attaches to this Erasmus+ project. Cynthia from the University of Córdoba updated us on the progress achieved in the Research Work Package, primarily the systematic review that focuses on the research questions relating to organisational decisions, pedagogical approaches and additional actions in CLIL at higher educational institutions. The discussion subsequently centred on how outputs 2 and 3 comprising joint modules and the case study could be best developed.
John O’Donoghue presented the results of interviews conducted with professors at TH Wildau within the MINDMAPPING framework that had been presented at the Cordoba workshop last October. It was agreed that each partner would develop its own research using this framework to suit their own purposes. Our partners from Saint-Étienne presented the Intensive programme to be held in France 14-18 October 2024. Here, business students from all partner universities will be working with engineering students to develop four different projects and present these in a pitch at a Tech Fair to a group of experts. The group also spent time planning the Intensive Programme in Karelia 17.02.-21.02.25 where computer science students will be involved. Time was also devoted to developing the questionnaire to be used by all partners in upcoming events. Due to the different situatedness of each partner elements of the questionnaire can be added or deleted as dictated by the nature of the event or course which is being evaluated.
Our partners were impressed by the bright and modern facilities in the Opp:Lab in Lok21 which greatly facilitated our group work and communicative interaction. We are all looking forward to meeting again in the autumn in Saint-Étienne with our young students and seeing CLIL4ALL in action.