Karelia University of Applied Sciences
Joensuu, Finland
Karelia UAS is a multidisciplinary, widely connected, international and innovative organisation offering education leading to bachelor and master degrees. Karelia UAS operates in seven study fields offering 21 programmes out of which five are master-level studies. The study areas are health care and social studies, business, engineering, forestry, media and hospitality management.
Karelia UAS operates in two campuses in the Joensuu city, Finland.
Karelia UAS is a well-recognized operator in education and plays a key role in the regional development and research, development and innovation (RDI) activities. Karelia UAS operates actively in various networks and all students work closely with local companies and with other educational institutions on exciting research and development projects.
Project lead
Further colleagues
Dr. Kirsi-Marja Toivanen
Principal Lecturer in English, is coordinating the development oft he foreign language learning and contributes actively into both the international development projects and pedagogical discussion at Karelia UAS
Lic. Seppo Nevalainen
Lecturer in ICT, is responsible of designing and carrying education focusing on articifial intelligence, game programming and commissions-based projects in Business Information Technology degree program in Karelia. His portfolio includes more than 10 international and national projects that have been covering topics such as organising multicultural intensive programmes and learning community, development of education through the use of learning analytics and designing course structures with international elements.
Main outputs / deliverables / contributions in the project
Karelia is actively involved in all the key objectives of the CLIL programme, mainly focusing on piloting the team teaching model with CLIL elements, organising intensive teaching courses and constructing the practical teaching guide based on the experiences and analysis of the pilot outcomes.